school students

Road Safety Education for School Children


According to the Report by World Health Organisation, “186, 300 (One Hundred and Eighty Six Thousand, Three Hundred) children die each year from Road Traffic Crashes around the world - that’s more than 500 (Five Hundred) children every day. In fact, Road Traffic injury ranks among the top four causes of death for all children over the age of 5 (five) years”. About 95 percent of Road Traffic fatalities among children occur in the world’s Low-and Middle-Income Countries which includes Nigeria.

Every four minutes a child is prematurely lost on the roads of this world. Many more are injured, often severely. These traumatic events cause immeasurable suffering and grief and at times economic hardship for families and friends.

In addition, they cost societies precious resources, diverting these from other pressing health and development challenges. Children of all ages are at risk of being involved in a Road Traffic Crash or Accident.
Consequent upon the fact that prevention education still remains the best antidote coupled with the fact that there is a low level of Road Safety Education in many schools in Nigeria while several schools have no form of structured Road

Safety Education for children, there is an urgent need to institutionalize Road Safety Education for all categories and ages of school children to enhance their knowledge and skills for safer road use in and out of schools.
Our Organisation, Driving School Association of Nigeria (DSAN) has therefore taken up the responsibility to effectively complement the efforts of the Federal Road Safety Commission, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) and other Organisations to entrench and promote Road Safety and Drug Education in Schools for the safety of the children who are the future Leaders of Nigeria. This project will also contribute to the accomplishment of the Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) and the UN Decade of Action Road Safety and Injury Prevention (UNDARSIP).


The project will involve the following activities:-

  1. Printing and Distribution of our new Book on Road Safety Education for School Children, Flyers, Poster/Chat, Sticker, Video DVDs and Audio CDs from School to School Nationwide. The materials will be given out Free of Charge (Not for sale) to Public and Private Primary and Secondary Schools in all the 36 States and the Federal Capital Territory.
  2. Production and Installation of “CHILDREN CROSSING” (ZEBRA CROSSING) Traffic Sign in selected School environment where none exists.
  3. Free Lectures on Road Safety, Drug Abuse and Security for Teachers, Parents/Guardians, and School Children through the available fora in the Schools.
  4. Advocacy for the implementation of the Branding of all School Buses in the approved Yellow Colour to further enhance the safety of school children.
  5. Dispatch of DSAN Volunteers/Traffic Mayors (recruited, trained and paid by our Association) to regularly control traffic in selected school environment where none exists in the morning when school resumes and in the afternoon when school closes.
  6. Public Education/Enlightenment Programmes through the Print, Electronic and Social Media on Safe Road Sharing with School Buses and Children.
  7. Motor-Park Driver Education/Enlightenment Programmes to promote the Respect of the Rights of Children on the Roads. The Sticker designed for this campaign will be affixed to every vehicle in the Motor Parks and other vehicles on the roads.

We have already notified the Federal Ministry of Education, Federal Ministry of Transportation, Federal Ministry of Health, Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, Federal Road Safety Commission(FRSC), National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies(NDLEA) and State Ministries of Education (including the FCT Education Secretariat) on this project.


This project will be implemented over a period of 3 years back to back (November 2020 – October 2023).


This project will be facilitated simultaneously in all the 36 States in Nigeria and
the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) by:

  1. Seasoned HSE Professionals
  2. Officers of FRSC and NDLEA
  3. Proprietors of Driving Schools
  4. Accredited Driving Instructors
  5. Officers of CSO Network on Drug Abuse
  6. Officers of the Coalition of Road Safety NGOs
  7. Trained Volunteers.


We hereby humbly request for your kind support with any amount of money possible towards making the implementation of the ROAD SAFETY EDUCATION FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN project possible, successful and sustainable.

The success of this project will go a long way in complementing other efforts and setting a pace in the prevention of further loss of lives of children on Nigeria roads now and in the future. No amount is too little to donate to support the implementation of this project.

Your donation shall be Receipted, Appreciated and Announced in the published book as well as in the print and electronic media unless otherwise instructed by you. Some copies of the Education materials produced will be made available to you for your Staff and your Families.


(National President)
TELEPHONE & WHATSAPP – 08033216376



Our Association collaborates with the Federal Ministry of Transportation (FMOT), Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC), United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety and Injury Prevention (UNDARSIP), Relevant State Government Agencies, CSO Network on Drug Abuse and Coalition of Road Safety NGOs (CORSAN) among others.

While looking forward to your response (Donation) or invitation for further discussion, please find attached pictures of the Materials to be produced. We wish you more success in your endeavours.

Thanks and God bless.

Jide Owatunmise

National President

1 Printing of one million copies of the 80-page Book titled “Road Safety Education for School Children” 400 40,000,000.00
2 Production of One Hundred Thousand copies of Video DVD on “Road Accidents and Lessons for Safety”. 250 25,000,000.00
3 Production of One Hundred Thousand sets of 2 Audio CDs (Volume 1 and Volume 2) titled “Road Safety Education” 400 40,000,000.00
4 Printing of Two Hundred Thousand copies of colour Poster/Chart with pictures and brief explanations on the “Ten Rules for Children Safety on the Road” 150 30,000,000.00
5 Production and Installation of One Thousand sets of Children Crossing“ Sign (Zebra Crossing) marking in school environment. 50,000 50,000,000.00
6 Public Education Programmes in the Print, Electronic and Social Media Nationwide   25,000,000.00
7 Logistics (Transportation for the Distribution of the materials, conducting the Free Training from School to School, Public Enlightenment at Motor Parks and Media Houses, project monitoring, evaluation and reporting. NB:- The cost of logistics will be fully borne by our Association (Driving School Association of Nigeria (DSAN)   40,000,000.00
  TOTAL COST (Five Hundred and Seventy Million Naira).   570,000,000.00